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Colloquium on Nov. 11, 2021

Formation of the First-star Binaries

Speaker:Kazu Sugimura (Tohoku University)

Venue:Video Conference

Time:15:00 PM, Thursday, Nov. 4, 2021


The first stars in the Universe, born at the redshift z ∼ 20−30, bring an end to the dark ages of the Universe. While the first stars are thought to be born as massive stars, we know little about their multiplicity or related properties. In this talk, I will present the results of our recent radiation hydrodynamics simulations of cosmological first star formation, in which we follow gas accretion considering the ionization/dissociation feedback from multiple protostars with a newly developed adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) code with the adaptive ray tracing method, SFUMATO-RT. In all of the three systems we examined, we found that the first stars form as massive binaries. I will also shortly discuss the implication of our results for the origin of BH mergers observed by gravitational waves.

Report PPT:SWIFAR_Kazu Sugimura.pdf

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