Lunch talk on Sep. 27, 2021
The Radio Bubbles/X-ray Chimney energized by Stars in the Galactic Center
Speaker:Mengfei Zhang (Nanjing University)
Venue:Video Conference
Time:12:30 PM, Monday, Sep. 27, 2021
In the central few hundreds to thousands parsecs of Milky Way, some bubble structures have been gradually discovered, such as the Fermi bubbles, the radio bubbles, the X-ray chimney and the eROSITA bubbles. The proposed origins for them fall in two categories: past activities of the central supermassive black hole(SMBH) or energy input of nuclear stars. In this talk, I will discuss the nuclear stars’ influence on the radio bubble/Xray chimney, two similar structures with a scale of few hundreds parsecs. They are roughly symmetrical across the Galactic plane, and include many unusual features, in which the nonthermal filaments and the radio arc are obviously related to the boundary of the radio bubbles. Such a relation implies a coevolution of the radio bubbles/X-ray chimney and the nonthermal filaments. In our simulation, the observed morphology, internal enregy and X-ray luminosity of the radio bubbles/X-ray chimney can be well produced by a multisupernovae case with a supernova rate of 1 kyr^-1 and a mean magnetic strength of 80 muG. Therefore, we suggest a nuclear star model to explain these hundreds parsecs structures in the Galactic center.
Report PPT:
SWIFAR_Mengfei Zhang.pdf