Colloquium on Sep. 23, 2021
Exploring Supermassive Black Holes in the Variable Universe
Speaker:Mouyuan Sun (Xiamen University)
Venue:Video Conference
Time:16:00 PM, Thursday, Sep. 23, 2021
Thanks to LSST (and many other surveys, e.g., WFST and Mephisto), we are entering the golden age of time-domain astronomy. The resulting tremendous amount of AGN UV/optical light curves enable us to get unparalleled insight into supermassive black hole (SMBH) accretion. In fact, the long-standing AGN UV/optical twinkling has raised serious challenges to the classical SMBH accretion-disk model (i.e., the so called “AGN viscosity crisis” by Lawrence, 2018). In this talk, I'll present our efforts in resolving this AGN crisis. In addition, I'll also discuss the possible future directions for AGN UV/optical variability studies in the era of time-domain astronomy (especially the possible synergy between CSST and LSST).
Report PPT:
SWIFAR_Mouyuan Sun.pdf