Lunch talk on Jul. 8, 2021
Studying the bulk rotation of the halo based on the K giant stars from LAMOST
Speaker:Hao Tian (NAOC)
Venue:SWIFAR Building 2111
Time:12:30 PM, Thursday, Jul. 8, 2021
We use K-giant stars selected from the LAMOST DR5 to study the variation of the rotational velocity of the Galactic halo at different space positions. Modeling the rotational velocity distribution with both the halo and disk components, we find that the rotational velocity of the halo population decreases almost linearly with increasing vertical distance to the Galactic disk plane, Z, at fixed galactocentric radius, R. The samples are separated into two parts with 6
Report PPT:
SWIFAR_Hao Tian.pdf