Lunch talk on Jun. 16, 2021
Weak gravitational lensing on the rise
Speaker:Wentao Luo (USTC)
Venue:SWIFAR Building 2111
Time:12:30 PM, Wednesday, Jun. 16, 2021
Weak gravitational lensing is now becoming one of the major probes of the dark side of the universe. Many surveys like CFHTLenS, HSC-SSP, KiDS, DES as well as future ones like LSST, EUCLID, WFST and CSST, are all taking weak lensing as one the key projects. It provides tight constraints on halo mass of galaxies with certain properties and therefore probe the galaxy-halo connection. The cosmic shear measurements constraints the density fluctuation amplitude and the fraction of dark matter. The power of weak lensing measurements are not limited to standard cosmology but also expands to non-standard cosmology. In this talk, I would like to briefly introduce weak gravitational lensing analysis, and some works have been done based on the weak lensing measurements. I would also like to project our future plans of how to proceed with "real" image simulation based on hydro simulations, which can provide not only "real" galaxy morphology, but also "real" SEDs, not mentioning color, SFR, stellar mass, e.t.c.
Report PPT:
SWIFAR_Wentao Luo.pptx