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Lunch talk on May. 31, 2021

A brief introduction to the Diffuse Interstellar Band

Speaker:He Zhao (Observatory of the Côte d’Azur)

Venue:Video Conference

Time:12:30 PM, Monday, May. 31, 2021


Diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) are a set of interstellar absorption features that were discovered as early as 1919. While after over 100 years, our knowledge about DIBs is still very limited. In this talk, I will present a brief introduction to these features, including some historical events, their observational properties, and research on their carriers. It also contains some of our studies about the DIB around 8620 angstroms in the spectra from GIBS and Gaia-ESO surveys. Benefiting from the modern spectroscopic surveys, we can now build 2D/3D intensity maps for several DIBs, and DIBs are also proved to be a good tracer for the ISM environments and Galactic structure, although most of their carriers are still unknown. I hope this talk can give you some basic concepts and pictures about the DIBs and arouse your interest in this small topic.

Report PPT:SWIFAR_He Zhao.pdf

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