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Colloquium on Apr. 1, 2021

How to publish (and write) an impactful paper in Nature Astronomy

Speaker:Marios Karouzos (Springer Nature research)

Venue:Video Conference

Time:15:00 PM, Thursday, Jan. 7, 2021


In a rapidly inflating scientific literature, making your paper stand above the noise is more important and trickier than ever. To do so, you need good science, good writing and a high- quality journal to help you achieve the widest possible dissemination of your work. Nature Astronomy, launched in January 2017, is a research journal published by Springer Nature. Sitting alongside our sister journal Nature, we publish high impact research in the fields of astronomy, astrophysics and planetary science. In this talk, I will cover the motivation and scope of the journal, and the types of manuscripts we publish. I will demystify the editorial process and what we look for in papers (and shoot down some urban myths about what it takes to be published in a Nature journal in the process). I will also cover common pitfalls of writing and submitting papers and I will share hints and tips on how to maximize the impact of your paper, from writing an engaging but informative title and a properly contextualized but concise abstract, to structuring your paper in a way that your results are communicated clearly and succinctly.

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