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Lunch talk on Dec. 9, 2020

Hammurabi X, a Galactic Synchrotron Emission Simulator

Speaker:Jiaxin Wang(SJTU)

Venue:Video conference

Time:12:30 PM, Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2020


Having a decent understanding of the Galactic ecology is both important and challenging, as which is not only important for figuring out the role of the magnetic field and its interaction mechanism with the hot/warm and cold phases of the interstellar medium, but also is becoming critical for revealing the mysterious early stage history of the Universe due to its strong contamination to the background signal, e.g., the B-mode in CMB and intensity of 21cm. To combine and study the physics of the "background" and the "foreground", there might be no easier way than simulating the Galactic emissions from physical descriptions of each Galactic components. In this talk I will present the version X of hammurabi, a HEALPix-based numerical toolkit designed for simulating the Galactic emissions. Addition to introducing the software's design and improvements, we proposed two fast methods for generation Gaussian random magnetic fields. The new simulation results suggest that we have ignored some important features of the random magnetic field in previous studies for the Galactic synchrotron emission. The upgraded package is now offering us the opportunity to do convincing analyses of the Galactic components and providing useful insights to either 21cm or CMB foreground removal tasks.

Report PPT:SWIFAR_Jiaxin Wang.pdf

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