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Lunch talk on Nov. 30, 2020

A radio HR diagram toward the SKA: Radio emission of OB, Be stars and ultra-compact HII region

Speaker:Bin Yu(BNU)

Venue:Video conference

Time:12:30 PM, Monday, Nov. 30, 2020


The SKA will be the most sensitive radio survey instrument ever built. This makes it hard to predict what it will actually detect, as we have never observed to such faint levels. The uncertainty is especially true within the Galaxy where a multitude of objects will contribute to the radio emission. This project aims to model the stellar radio emission of the Milky Way down to nano-Jy levels, focusing on the radio emission from the stars. The radio emission includes ionized winds, HII regions, the radio photospheres of cool giants, interacting binaries such as symbiotic stars, and flare stars. A radio HR diagram will be constructed, covering high-mass O/B stars, with radio emission from HII regions and stellar winds, WR stars, to low-mass post-AGB stars and planetary nebulae. The distribution of stars in the galaxy is modelled using the Besancon computer model. The project will show what the SKA may expect to see in different directions within the Milky Way.



