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Colloquium on Aug. 12, 2020

Numerical study of AGN feedback

Speaker:Feng Yuan (SHAO)

Venue:Video Conference

Time:15:00 PM, Wednesday, Aug. 12, 2020


AGN feedback is beleived to play a crucial role in galaxy evolution, and is the key physical mechanism for the coevolution between the central black hole and its host galaxy. In this talk, I will first briefly introduce the concept of AGN feedback and review the current status of theoreticla study of AGN feedback, which is mainly via numerical simulations. Then I will focus on introducing our recent series of works of AGN feedback. Different from most works which focus on cosmological scale such as Illustris-TNG and EAGLE, our works focuse on a single galaxy scale, thus we can well resolve the Bondi radius. This ensures we can obtain a precise estimation of AGN accretion rate and the state-of-the-art AGN physics can be adopted in our simulation. The interaction between AGNoutputs and ISM and the feedback effect on star formation is calculated. We will discuss the cosmological timescale AGN light curve, black hole growth, star formation, and AGN duty cycle, and compare them with observations.



