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Lunch talk on Jun. 15, 2020

The spiral structure of the Milky Way Galaxy

Speaker:Ligang Hou (NAOC)

Venue:Video conference

Time:12:30 PM, Monday, Jun. 15, 2020


The morphology and kinematic properties of Galaxy spiral structure are basic but long standing questions in astronomy. In this talk, first, I will briefly review the research history about the Galaxy spiral structure. Then, I will focus on the spiral pattern in the large portions of Galactic disk, some recent progresses will be talked about. In the past few years, our understanding on the detailed features of nearby spiral arm segments have also been improved significantly, which will be reviewed and discussed. Besides mapping the spiral pattern of the Milky Way, the formation mechanism of Galaxy spiral arms has not been well determined from observations. I will talk about some observational tests. Finally, some prospects will be discussed.

Report PPT:SWIFAR_Ligang Hou.pdf

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