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Colloquium on May. 14, 2020

On the Cosmological Growth of Supermassive Black Holes

Speaker:Mouyuan Sun (XMU)

Venue:Video Conference

Time:15:00 PM, Thursday, May. 14, 2020


In the past decades, it has been revealed that supermassive black holes (which are harbored in typical massive galaxies) play an irreplaceable role in galaxy formation and evolution. However, very little is known about how supermassive black holes grow and interplay with their host galaxies. This situation is changing with the efforts of the multi-wavelength and multi-epoch surveys. I will show how modern multi- wavelength surveys can teach us about the (co-)evolution of supermassive black holes and their host galaxies. Meanwhile, I will also discuss how modern time-domain multi-epoch surveys might be able to provide us fundamental black hole parameters, i.e., black hole mass, accretion rate, and thereby facilitating understanding of the cosmic growth history of supermassive black holes. Beyond black hole parameters, time-domain surveys might enable us to understand the MHD physics near the black holes.



