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Lunch talk on Mar. 30, 2020

Dancing Party of Binaries: A Story of Stars and Their Dark Companions

Speaker:Tuan Yi (XMU)

Venue:Video conference

Time:12:30 PM, Monday, March 30, 2020


Compact objects (BH/NS/WD) are the remnants of evolved stars at the end of their life. Searching for compact objects is an important and interesting subject that may help us understand better the stellar evolution models and the mass distributions of these bizarre objects. Many compact objects reside in binary systems that contain a luminous companion, which makes the invisible compact object measurable.

Thanks to large spectroscopic surveys like LAMOST, the radial velocity method can be implemented to the searching task. In this talk, I will be focusing on the backgrounds and the aspects of searching for candidates of stellar-mass BHs by utilizing multi-epochs spectroscopic data of the LAMOST survey. I will present our estimation of how many Galactic stellar mass BHs maybe found by LAMOST, and I will present a peculiar binary system that may contain a high-mass WD in detail. The method can be used to search for any binary system that contains a luminous star and an invisible dark companion.

Report PPT:SWIFAR_TuanYi.pdf



