Lunch talk on Sep. 24th, 2019
The Lithium-rich Giants and Their origins
Speaker:Hongliang Yan (NAOC)
Venue:Room 2111, SWIFAR Building
Time:12:30 PM, Tuesday, 24th September, 2019
About 1% of giant stars have anomalously high lithium abundances in their atmospheres, conflicting directly with the prediction of standard stellar evolution models. This finding makes the production and evolution of lithium in the Universe intriguing, not only in the sense of Big Bang nucleosynthesis or the interstellar medium6, but also for the evolution of stars. Decades of effort have been put into explaining why such objects exist, yet the origins of lithium-rich giants are still being debated. LAMOST has obtained over 10 million spectra in its seven years survey, and have found thousands of lithium-rich giants. Combing those spectra with data from other observations is making us approaching the origins of lithium-rich giants, which will eventually push our understanding to this element and its evolution in our Galaxy a big step forward.
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