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Lunch talk on Aug. 22nd, 2019

Electromagnetic counterparts of the neutron star merger

Speaker:Jieshuang Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Venue:Room 2317, SWIFAR Building

Time:12:30 PM, Thursday, 22nd August, 2019


Mergers of binary compact stars are major gravitational wave sources in the LIGO era, but they can also produce various electromagnetic signals. We studied the electromagnetic emission signals of binary compact star gravitational wave sources consisting of strongly magnetized neutron stars in their late-time inspiral phase from both theoretical and observational point of views. Because of electromagnetic interactions between the magnetospheres of the two compact stars, electric fields will be induced and a substantial amount of orbital kinetic energy will be extracted. The induced electric field can accelerate electrons up to TeV and protons up to the EeV energy range. Synchrotron-pair cascade will be triggered by the accelerated energetic electrons, the secondary photons peaks in MeV for binary NSs. In addition, a blackbody component will also be presented peaked at a few hundreds of keV. When the coherent curvature radiation mechanism take place, fast radio bursts can be produced. So the inspiral of the binary neutron star could produce multi-messengers: GWs, FRBs, and GRBs (with precursors).

Report PPT:JSW_GW-EM.pdf



