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Lunch talk on Jun. 10th, 2019

Shedding new light on planet formation from ALMA observations of protoplanetary disks

Speaker:Feng Long (Peking University)

Venue:Room 2317, SWIFAR Building

Time:12:30 PM, Monday, 10th June, 2019


Planets are assembled from the gas and dust in the disks orbiting around young stars. How these disks evolve from primordial gas and dust into planetary systems like our own solar system is still not well understood. With the powerfulAtacama LargeMillimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), we are now able to study the planet-forming-disks in greater detail and towards larger samples.These observations are transforming our view of disks and offering new insights in planet formation.In this talk, I will share results of ALMA disk surveys in two young and nearby star-forming regions: the Chamaeleon I survey focusing on bulk disk mass measurements from both dust and gas components, and thehigh-spatial resolution Taurus survey mapping the distribution of disk materials on spatial scales of 10-15 au. The implications of the assembly and early evolution of planetary systems will be discussed based on the two surveys.

Report PPT:SWIFAR-lunchtalk-longfeng.pdf



