Lunch talk on May. 27th, 2019
Exploring the early history of Milky Way in the era of large scale survey
Speaker:Haining Li (NAOC)
Venue:The 3rd floor, SWIFAR Building
Time:12:30 PM, Monday, 27th May, 2019
Metal-poor stars in the Milky Way is of special importance to understand the history of Galactic evolution and early nucleosynthesis. While various groups of stars showing peculiarities in kinematics and/or chemical composition are evidence of the merging process of the halo, and unusual events such as particular nucleosynthesis environments. However, these stars are rare. With the huge data base of Galactic stars that have been observed through current large scale survey projects including SDSS, LAMOST, Gaia, etc., we are now facing an unprecedented opportunity to identify such rare objects in the Milky Way. This talk will mainly focus on the ongoing searching based on LAMOST survey and its follow-up observations, including interesting discoveries of metal-poor stars, moving groups and stars with abnormal abundance patterns, which help explore the early evolution and formation of the Galaxy. We will also briefly discuss about other projects in the field of Galactic archaeology, such as the SAGE Survey, Subaru/PFS project, etc.
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