Lunch talk on Apr. 24th, 2019
Searching for stellar-mass black hole candidates by LAMOST spectra
Speaker:顾为民(厦门大学)/ Weimin Gu (Xiamen University)
Venue:The 3rd floor, SWIFAR Building
Time:11:30 PM, Wednesday, 24th April, 2019
According to the stellar evolution model, there may exist 10^8 to 10^9 stellar-mass black holes in our Galaxy. However, only around 20 black holes have been dynamically confirmed, most of which were originally selected from X-ray bursts in binaries. In my talk, I will introduce our recent progress on searching for black hole candidates by using the LAMOST spectra. In addition, the ongoing LAMOST Medium Resolution Survey is quite helpful to such an issue. Moreover, I will mention an interesting source from the SDSS APOGEE data.
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