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Lunch talk on Apr. 8th, 2019

Does dark matter interact with dark energy?

Speaker: Jiajun Zhang (Shanghai JiaoTong University)

Venue: Gewu 4410

Time: 12:30 PM, Monday, 8th April, 2019


In the standard cosmological model, LCDM model, dark  matter and dark energy are the most abundant two components of the  universe. However, we almost know nothing about the nature of these dark  sectors. A natural question can be raised, do these two components have  some interaction beyond gravity? After many years of effort, we can  finally answer this question, making full use of all the current  observations, which has never been done before. We conclude that the  LCDM model is still favored by our analysis. We also disclose the  possibility to look for smoking guns of dark matter dark energy  interaction.  In this talk, I will introduce how we model such  interaction, how we do simulations and how we use the photos of the sky  to test.

Report PPT:   SWIFAR_lunchtalk_zhangjiajun.pdf



