Colloquium on May. 3rd, 2018
Introduction to Insight-HXMT: China’s first X-ray Astronomy Satellite
Speaker:张双南(中国科学院高能物理研究所)/Shuangnan Zhang (IHEP, CAS)
Venue:Gewu 4410
Time:3:00 PM, Thursday, 3rd May, 2018
Abstract:Insight-HXMT is China’s first X-ray Astronomy Satellite, which was proposed and developed under the leadership of Professor Tipei Li, and successfully launched on June 15th, 2017. It carries three sets of collimated X-ray instruments, covering energy ranges of 1-15 keV, 5-30 keV, and 20-250 keV, respectively. In addition, it can serve as a nearly all-sky monitor for high energy sources between 0.2 to 3 MeV, such as bright pulsars and gamma-ray bursts. The performance verification (PV) and calibration program has finished in November 2017 and the regular science observation program has been on going. In this talk, I will describe the instrumentation of Insight-HXMT, its in-orbit performance and some early results, including the Galactic plane scanning survey, black holes, pulsars, gamma-ray bursts, etc.
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