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Lunch talk on Nov. 27th, 2017: Weak gravitational lensing flexion

Speaker:Xinzhong Er (SWIFAR)
Venue:Gewu 4410
Time:12:30 PM, Monday, 27th November


LambdaCDM as the most popular model for cosmology, has successfully explained most of the observations. Even though there still remain several problems to be solved, e.g. we have only limited knowledge about the major components of the universe, i.e. dark matter and dark energy. As they have weak or no interaction with EM radiation, it is difficult to detect them directly. Gravitational lensing as one of the most powerful tools in cosmology can probe the matter distribution without assuming the nature of the matter or the dynamical or thermal status. In this talk, I will briefly introduce a higher order image distortions in weak gravitational lensing, which is named as flexion. We find that it is sensitive to the smaller scale variations in the matter distribution, especially for the mass ellipticity and substructures.

Speaker Introduction:

PhD in 2010 from Bonn University, Germany, 2010-2014 NAOC, Beijing, 2014-2017 Observatory astronomy of Roma




