Lunch talk on Dec. 11th, 2017
What do we know about the mysterious Dark Universe?
Speaker: Prof. Charling TAO
Venue: Gewu 4410
Time: 12:30 PM, Monday, 11th December
In this talk I will review our present knowledge about the Dark Universe and the main research areas which are currently shedding some light on the mysterious Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Cosmology has become a science. We measure with precision the extent of our ignorance. The Universe today is dominated by dark energy and dark matter.
Dark Energy could well reduce to the cosmological constant, and within 10 years, we should have results from many surveys, which either will find a deviation from a cosmological constant or we will have to explain why the dark energy is so close to a cosmological constant and is not.
Unless there is a modification of gravity, our Galaxies and the universe has Dark Matter which nature is still unknown. I will describe some of the attempts to unveil its nature, and maybeopen up in the future a new field of Dark Matter astronomy,as we are witnessing today the beginning of gravitational waves astronomy.