Lunch talk on May. 18, 2020
Asteroseismology: from star to planet
Speaker:Jianwen Ou (SYSU)
Venue:Video conference
Time:12:30 PM, Monday, May 18, 2020
The 2019 Nobel Prize in physics has been awarded to the field of exoplanet science. The diversity of exoplanets demonstrate that exoplanets are much more common than we knew. In the last decade, exoplanet research has transitioned from the detection to characterization. The planetary fundamental properties, including mass, radius and orbital parameters, are helpful for the description of the planet system. Further understanding of these planets requires studying their internal structures and atmospheres. Asteroseismology is the study of oscillations in stars. Asteroseismology method not only provides accurate planetary parameters but also probe the internal structure and atmospheric characteristics of exoplanets through the basic principles of oscillation. In this talk, I will give a brief overview of our research on stellar oscillations and the preliminary work that will be applied to exoplanets.