Mephisto participated in an international campaign of monitoring SN2022jli and obtained major discovery
2022年5月5日,超新星SN2022jli被Libert Monard发现后很快得到世界各地巡天项目的确认。该超新星被分类为Ic型超新星,爆发于近邻星系NGC 157的悬臂中,距地球7100万光年。在对该超新星的监测过程中,天文学家注意到SN2022jli的光变曲线演化呈现小幅振荡扰动的特征。为核实这一观测事实并厘清其物理起因,以色列魏茨曼科学研究所牵头组织了针对SN2022jli的国际联测。云南大学梦飞巡天望远镜参与其中,对SN2022jli进行了长达两个月的持续监测,提供了重要且与其它参与联测台站高度互补的多波段测光数据,为SN2022jli的后续科学分析奠定了坚实基础。通过对联测数据的细致分析,天文学家获得了上述重大发现。
梦飞巡天望远镜由新利18体育新牵头研制和运行。望远镜主体由南京天文光学技术研究所负责研制,观测台站建设由中国西南天文研究所与云南天文台合作共同完成。梦飞巡天望远镜项目得到了云南省政府和云南大学“双一流”建设经费的支持。项目团队还得到了云南省兴滇英才支持计划“科技领军人才专项”(202005AB160002)、“创新团队”(202105AE160021) 和“顶尖团队”(202305AT350002)项目支持。

图1. 梦飞巡天望远镜拍摄的 SN2022jli及宿主星系NGC 157真彩色图。
Figure 1. True color image of SN2022jli and the host galaxy NGC157, captured by Mephisto.

图2. SN2022jli存在周期性起伏的多波段光变曲线。
Figure 2. Multi-band light curves of SN2022jli show periodic undulations.

图3. 超新星SN2022jli的光变曲线,包括梦飞巡天望远镜(Mephisto)的观测数据。
Figure 3. Light curves of SN2022jli, including the measurements of Mephisto.

On January 10, 2024, the Nature journal published an article reporting on a major discovery in astronomy. The declining light curve of SN2022jli exhibits a periodic undulations of 12.4 days, meanwhile, the narrow Hα emission detected in the contemporaneous spectra of this supernova also shows concordant periodic velocity shifts. These features were first discovered in the observation of a supernova, indicating that SN2022jli originated from the explosion of a massive star in a binary system and the periodic mass accretion from the companion star onto the newly formed compact object provides the extra power to the supernova explosion. Mephisto team members, Drs. Xiaowei Liu, Xiangkun Liu, Dezi Liu, and Yuan Fang, from South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research at Yunnan University (SWIFAR-YNU), participated in this major international campaign. The unique geographical location of and the high-quality multi-band photometric data provided by Mephisto play an important role in this major discovery.
Supernovae are one of the most violent explosive phenomena in the universe. The peak luminosity of a supernova is comparable to the luminosity of the entire galaxy. When the radiation pressure from nuclear fusion in the core of a star cannot resist its own gravity, the star core collapses, resulting in a supernova explosion and compact objects (neutron stars or black holes). Many massive stars in the universe are in close binary systems. Astronomers predicted that supernova explosions will affect the evolution of binary systems, and that newly born compact objects will accrete the medium from companion stars to generate radiation. However, signatures of binarity for a supernova explosion remain elusive hitherto.
On May 5, 2022, the supernova SN2022jli was discovered by Liberty Monitor and quickly confirmed by the survey projects around the world. This supernova is classified as an Ic type supernova and was born in the spiral arm of the nearby galaxy NGC 157, at a distance of 71 million light years from us. During the early observation, astronomers found that the light curve of SN2022jli exhibited some oscillation features. To verify this, the Weizmann Institute of Science of Israel initiated an international campaign of monitoring SN2022jli. Multi-channel Photometric Survey Telescope (Mephisto) of Yunnan University participated in this campaign, and continuously monitored SN2022jli for 2 months, providing important and highly complementary multi-band photometric data for the subsequent scientific analyses. Subsequent detailed analyses of those data revealed the major discovery mentioned above.
The reviewers of the Nature journal gave a high appraisal to the discovery, and commented that “The article presents a very convincing case for the detection of short period variations (12.4 days) in the light curves and spectral features of a stripped-envelope supernova. There is no doubt about the existence of this periodic modulation, which is detected for the first time…The proposed explanation is very reasonable”, “This discovery represents a major step forward for the field of explosive transients and our understanding of the power sources of supernovae and for our understanding of the progenitors of supernovae, in particular binaries”. Prof. Bing Zhang, a distinguished professor and founding Director of Nevada Center for Astrophysics, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, commented that “The discovery of a 12.4-day periodicity in SN2022jli is very significant. From gravitational wave data we often see binary compact objects that are descendants of two supernova explosions. This requires that supernovae happen in binaries and the system remains bound after the explosions. This is the first time that we actually witnessed such a process observationally. The Mephisto contribution to the photometry observations of this event is commendable”. Prof. Xuefeng Wu, Deputy Director of Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, commented that “Mephisto telescope is designed for multi-band simultaneous photometric observations, and participated in the multi-band follow-up observations of SN 2022jli during its commissioning in Lijiang. The multi-band photometry provides important clues in revealing the periodic undulations of 12.4 days in the i- and z-bands and the fast decline in the uviz band after 260 days of the eruption of SN2022jli. This periodic undulation signals were first discovered in supernova observations, which has significant implications in unveiling the late evolution and gravitational collapse processes of massive stars. The important achievements of this international campaign indicate that Mephisto telescope of Yunnan University has unique advantages and important scientific value in the field of international time-domain astronomical observations”.
Mephisto is a 1.6-m wide-field multi-channel telescope, the first of its type in the world, capable of imaging the same field of view in three optical bands simultaneously. It will yield real-time, high-quality colors of unprecedented accuracy of billions of objects, enable fast and robust classification of variables and transients, and for the first time, deliver a panoramic and panchromatic documentary of our dynamic universe. The on-site telescope assemblage and commissioning began in September 2022, and the first light in dual channels of four bands (uviz) for a pilot system covering one quarter of the full field of view was achieved on October 23, 2022. On December 21, 2023, Mephisto achieved imaging in three channels simultaneously for the first time, and released the first true color images on December 27, 2023. In the international campaign of monitoring SN2022jli in NGC157, Mephisto performed multi-band simultaneous observations from December 10, 2022 to February 6, 2023.
Mephisto is developed at and operated by SWIFAR-YNU, funded by the “Yunnan University Development Plan for World-Class University” and “Yunnan University Development Plan for World-Class Astronomy Discipline”. The telescope was built by Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics & Technology. The telescope on-site infrastructure was developed in collaboration with Yunnan Astronomical Observatories. The Mephisto team also receives support from the “Science & Technology Champion Project” (202005AB160002) and from two “Team Projects” -- the “Innovation Team” (202105AE160021) and the “Top Team” (202305AT350002), all funded by the “Yunnan Revitalization Talent Support Program”.
Published paper link:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06787-x.
arXiv version link:https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.07784.