A three-dimensional extinction map for the southern sky
近日,新利18体育新研究团队基于SkyMapper南天巡天(SMSS)第一版数据,结合2MASS、WISE以及Gaia巡天测光数据,测量了银河系超过1900万颗恒星的消光值,获得了国际上首个覆盖南天约1.4万平方度的银河系三维尘埃消光分布图。该消光图在银纬−10 deg < b < 10 deg, −30 deg < b < −10 deg及 b < −30 deg区域的角分辨率分别为6.9, 13.7和27.5角分。单颗星E(B−V)的典型误差为0.07mag,三维消光图E(B−V)的典型误差为0.03mag。基于此消光图,再结合文献中的数据,研究团组构建了一张覆盖全天的银河系三维尘埃消光图,并研究了银河系尘埃的结构参数。结果显示,银河系的尘埃盘更倾向于由一个尘埃“薄”盘和一个尘埃“厚”盘组成,对应的标高分别为73 pc和225 pc。

图1:不同距离区间的南天银河系尘埃消光分布图, 灰色阴影区域是未覆盖的区域。 Distributions of r-band extinction in the individual distance bins. Regions shaded grey are areas not covered by the current map.

Extinction and reddening by the interstellar dust grains pose a serious obstacle for the study of the structure and stellar populations of the Milky Way galaxy. In order to obtain the intrinsic luminosities or colors of the observed objects, one needs to correct for the dust extinction and reddening. Extinction maps are useful tools for this purpose. Since most of the recently completed large-scale surveys targeted the northern hemisphere, essentially all the currently available 3D extinction maps covered only the northern sky. A 3D extinction map for the southern hemisphere is still missing and should be of great value to, for example, explore the global dust distribution and the structure of the Milky Way.
Based on the multi-band photometry from the SMSS DR1, 2MASS, WISE and Gaia surveys, we have estimated values of r-band extinction for over19 million stars and constructed a 3D extinction map of the southern sky, covering the SMSS survey area of ~14,000 sq.deg. The map has an angular resolution of 6.9 arcmin for Galactic latitude −10 deg < b < 10 deg, 13.7 arcmin for −30 deg < b < −10 deg, and 27.5 arcmin for b < −30 deg. The typical error of E(B−V) for a single star is 0.07 mag, and that of the 3D extinction map is 0.03 mag.
By combining our 3D extinction map with those from the literature, we present an all-sky 3D extinction map, and use it to explore the 3D distribution of Galactic dust grains. We find that the data are best fitted with a model of two disks, a “thin” and a “thick” disk of scale height 73 and 225 pc, respectively.
The work has been accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ). The leading author of the paper, Mr. Helong Guo, is an PhD student of SWIFAR under the supervision of Profs. Bingqiu Chen and Xiaowei Liu (https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.14092).