The first release of a catalog of RV variable star candidates from LAMOST
近日,云南大学田志佳博士、刘晓为教授、北京师范大学苑海波副教授等人分析了LAMOST DR4数据中的重复观测源,根据视向速度的变化与观测误差的关系,估计了恒星为视向速度变源的概率,并首次建立了包含约8万颗恒星的视向速度变源星表。
位于赫罗图上不稳定带的脉动变星,如天琴座RR型变星(RR Lyrae),造父变星(Cepheid)等,伴随其周期性的收缩与膨胀,其视向速度也会呈现出周期性变化特征。脉动变星具有很好的光变周期与光度(绝对星等)的关系--即周光关系,可以作为宇宙的探针,精确测定距离。因此,获取脉动变星、双星等在内的视向速度变源星表具有重要的科学意义。
该成果充分利用了LAMOST大样本数据的优势,在国际上建立了首个基于低分辨率光谱巡天数据的视向速度变源候选体星表。该星表包含约8万颗恒星,其中包括77%的双星系统和7%的脉动变星,样本纯净度高于80%。随着LAMOST、Gaia等巡天项目的开展,越来越多的变源将被确认和分类。作为变源巡天的输入星表,这个视向速度变源星表成为了LAMOST DR4数据中增值星表之一,具有重要的科学价值。

图1. 模拟双星样本的周期-振幅联合分布特征。黑色方框标出了LAMOST可探测双星。The joint distribution of periods and amplitudes for the mock binaries. The box marks out the detection limit based on the LAMOST’s capability.

图2. LAMOST对食双星KIC 11084782视向速度的观测,其周期来自Kepler的测光观测,视向速度来自LAMOST的光谱观测。上、中、下三图分别表示视向速度随时间、双星轨道相位的变化以及拟合的残差。The comparison of RVs between observations and fittings for KIC 11084782. The top panel shows the observed RVs against time. The observed (dots with error bars) and fitted (solid line) RVs against phases are plotted in the middle panel, and the residuals (O−C) are plotted in the bottom panel.

A group led by researchers from Yunnan University has analyzed a large number of multi-epoch spectra obtained with the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST), and estimated the probabilities of the targets being radial velocity (RV) variables. The analysis yields a catalog containing 80,702 RV variable candidates with probability greater than 0.60 based on the LAMOST DR4.
RV variable stars include intrinsic (e.g., pulsating stars) and extrinsic (e.g., binaries) variables. Amongst the 80,702 cataloged variables, 77% are binaries and 7% pulsating stars, with a purity higher than 80%.
The catalog, as a value-added catalog for the LAMOST DR4, and released following the LAMOST Data Policy, is publicly available at
The paper has been published in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series( Dr. Zhijia Tian is the lead author, and Dr. Zhijia Tian and Prof. Xiaowei Liu the corresponding authors.