Discovery of S147 dust cloud from the LAMOST Spectroscopic Surveys

图. 与超新星遗迹S147成协的尘埃云分布图(红色等高线),图的背景是S147的Hα发射线图。
本项工作在国际上开辟了一条通过测量和分析星际尘埃三维消光分布来搜寻与超新星遗迹成协分子云的新路径。相较于传统的基于CO分子辐射的方法,该方法避免了CO分子光解效应及探测极限带来的局限,可以有效地搜寻和发现与超新星遗迹产生相互作用的分子云。此外,该方法克服了银河系外区域分子云距离难以测定的困难,能够给出分子云的精确距离。本项工作已被国际专业学术期刊《皇家天文学月刊》(Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society)接受,将于近期发表(预印本文库链接。

Supernova (SN) explosion is one of the most energetic events in a galaxy. It usually occurs near its maternal molecular cloud (MC). As such, MCs generally play a critical role in the evolution of the supernova remnants (SNRs). There are now ~300 SNRs identified in our Milky Way. About 70 of them are known to be or possibly be interacting with MCs. And SNR S147 (G180.0--1.7; hereafter referred to as S147), is claimed to be not one of those MC-interacting SNRs.
S147 is one of the most evolved SNRs in the Milky Way. It falls near the Galactic anticentre and has a large angular size of about 200. It shows a complex network of long filaments in the optical and radio bands. The pulsar PSR J0538+2817, located near the center of S147, is suggested to be plausibly associated with S147. X-ray emission has been detected from the pulsar by ROSAT All Sky Survey. In gamma-ray, an extended source is found to coincide with S147. The gamma-ray emission surrounding the SNR is expected to be primarily emitted via the pion decay produced by the interaction between CR protons and dense medium (p–p interaction), while the leptonic origin is unlikely for such an old SNR.
We present a three-dimensional (3D) extinction analysis in the region towards the SNR S147 using multiband photometric data from the Xuyi Schmidt Telescope Photometric Survey of the Galactic Anticentre (XSTPS-GAC), 2MASS and WISE. We isolate a previously unrecognized dust structure likely to be associated with SNR S147. The structure, which we term as ‘S147 dust cloud’, is estimated to have a distance d = 1.22 +/- 0.21 kpc, consistent with the conjecture that S147 is associated with pulsar PSR J0538 + 2817. The cloud includes several dense clumps of relatively high extinction that locate on the radio shell of S147 and coincide spatially with the CO and gamma-ray emission features. We conclude that the usage of CO measurements to trace the SNR associated MCs is unavoidably limited by the detection threshold, dust depletion and the difficulty of distance estimates in the outer Galaxy. 3D dust extinction mapping may provide a better way to identify and study SNR–MC interactions.