The 3rd Summer Camp in Astronomy of Yunnan University Held

The third summer camp for excellent undergraduate students in astronomy was held from 15th to 17th, July 2024 at the Chenggong campus, Yunnan University. Thirty-three students attended this summer camp, who are from Yunnan University, Qilu Normal University, West China Normal University, Chongqing University, Qufu Normal University, and Jiangxi Normal University of Science and Technology.
At the opening session, Prof. Xiaowei Liu, the director of SWIFAR at Yunnan University, gave an introduction to the discipline development of astronomy at Yunnan University and great potential for the 1.6-meter Multi-channel Photometric Survey Telescope (Mephisto). During the camp, Drs. Dezi Liu, Jianhui Lian, Zuhui Fan, Hayato Shimabukuro, Yuanpei Yang, Weikang Lin and Edoardo Lagioia gave lectures on the topics of telescopes and astronomical observation, Milky Way and nearby galaxies, cosmology, 21-cm signal and cosmological reionization era, high-energy and time-domain astronomy, Hubble tension, stellar and clusters, respectively. These lectures were very well received stimulating many questions from the students. Two PhD candidates, Xinlei Chen and Ziwei Li, shared their research topics and research experiences with the camp students. On the first night of the summer camp, Prof. Shengbang Qian led the students to visit the Yunshan Observatory and one-meter telescope and gave a detailed explanation of telescope technology and the scientific issues. On the second night of the summer camp, Prof. Xiangkun Liu and Dr. Guowang Du led the camp students to show the remote observation of the Mephisto telescope. In the following interaction session, a number of graduate students at Yunnan University shared their campus life and research experiences. Drs. Xiaowei Liu, Zuhui Fan, Jianhui Lian, Yuanpei Yang, Weikang Lin, etc. answered questions from the students and provided encouraging suggestions on graduate study and research.
The summer camp in astronomy of Yunnan University is a great success. Many camp students expressed strong interests in coming to Yunnan University to pursue their graduate study in astronomy.