国家重点研发项目“基于LAMOST 巡天的银河系研究” 子课题三“银盘的动力学演化”科学讨论会
National key Research and Development Project "Milky Way Research based on LAMOST Sky Survey" Sub-topic 3 "Dynamic Evolution of the Silver Disk" Scientific Seminar
“基于LAMOST 巡天的银河系研究”是国家重点研发项目,旨在基于LAMOST 巡天数据开展银河系和恒星的形成与演化研究。子课题三“银盘的动力学演化”基于国家大科学装置LAMOST 光谱巡天获取的海量光谱数据,专注于银河系动力学和星际介质等领域的基础性研究,针对银河系物质(包括暗物质)分布、银河系化学与动力学演化以及星际尘埃和气体结构与性质等重大前沿问题进行研究。
为切实推动课题研究进展,中国西南天文研究所于2024年7月5日至8日在云南省澄江市举办国家重点研发项目“基于LAMOST 巡天的银河系研究”子课题三“银盘的动力学演化”的科学讨论会。本次会议旨在汇聚国内外天文学相关领域的专家学者,共同探讨银盘动力学演化和星际介质等领域的最新研究成果与发展趋势,促进学术交流与合作。

"Galaxy Research Based on the LAMOST Survey" is a national key research and development project to study the formation and evolution of galaxies and stars based on LAMOST Survey data. Sub-project 3 "Dynamic Evolution of the Silver Disk" is based on the massive spectral data obtained by the LAMOST Spectral Survey, focusing on the basic research in the fields of galactic dynamics and the interstellar medium. Major cutting-edge issues such as the distribution of galactic matter (including dark matter), the evolution of galactic chemistry and dynamics, and the structure and properties of interstellar dust and gas are studied.
In order to effectively promote the research progress of the subject, SWIFAR has held a scientific seminar on the Dynamic Evolution of the Silver Disk, sub-project 3 of the national key research and development Project "Galaxy Research Based on LAMOST Sky Survey", in Chengjiang City, Yunnan Province from July 5 to 8, 2024. This conference aims to bring together experts and scholars in astronomy related fields at home and abroad to discuss the latest research results and development trends in the field of the dynamic evolution of the silver disk and the interstellar medium, and promote academic exchanges and cooperation.