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Dr. Hayato Shimabukuro features in a survey conducted by Global Times of Japanese scientists working in Chinese universities


A survey published by Global Times on 2021 January 4 reported the stories of Japanese young scientists working in Chinese universities. It found that the overwhelming motivations for those Japanese scientists to opt to come to work in China were the simple desire to further pursue research in their interested fields and the deep desire of “scientific platforms”.

新利18体育新日籍教师岛袋隼士副研究员是接受此次《环球时报》采访的日籍科学家之一。岛袋隼士博士在采访中表示,就他个人经历而言,“科研人员最渴望的就是拥有一个稳定的环境,除了良好的硬件设施,这所‘双一流’高校聚集了国内外学者,他们之间用英语交流,没有语言障碍,非常国际化” 。岛袋隼士博士非常珍惜他获得的云南大学教职机会,眼下正醉心于研究,对未来的学术生涯充满了憧憬。

Dr. Hayato Shimabukuro, a Japanese young faculty from South-western Institute for Astronomy Research (SWIFAR) of Yunnan University, was one of the Japanese scientists interviewed by Global Times. In the interview, Dr. Shimabukuro explained, from his own experiences, that the most important thing for scientific researchers is a stable research environment. Apart from top facilities, Yunnan University, an elite member of the governmental “double-worldclass” initiative, attracts scientists, home and abroad, capable of communicating proficiently in English without any obstacles, and is therefore highly internationalized. Dr. Shimabukuro cherishes very much the faculty position offered by SWIFAR of Yunnan University. He indulges himself in researches, and is full of longing for a bright academic career ahead.

岛袋隼士博士2016年在日本名古屋大学获得天体物理博士学位,2016至2019年间先后在法国巴黎天文台和中国清华大学从事博士后研究。通过国际接轨的招聘程序和严格面试,2020年初岛袋隼士博士作为预聘制副研究员(Tenure-track associate research professor)正式加入新利18体育新。岛袋隼士博士的主要研究方向为21厘米宇宙学。在加入研究所短短一年里,岛袋隼士博士已在Physical Review DPRD)上发表一作论文2篇,加入了国际重大项目——平方公里射电阵(Square Kilometre Array – SKA)并获得科技部的经费支持,并担任日本宇宙再电离研究组负责人及中国宇宙再电离研究组成员。岛袋隼士博士积极融入研究所科研教学活动及在华生活,除了主持研究所每周一次的学术报告活动,闲暇之余,他还积极学习汉语。

Dr. Hayato Shimabukuro obtained his PhD in astrophysics from Nagoya University in Japan in 2016. From 2016 to 2019, he carried out postdoctoral researches at Paris Observatory in France and Tsinghua University in China. Via rigorous recruitment procedures of international standards including an extensive interview, Dr. Hayato Shimabukuro was appointed a tenure-track associate research professor by SWIFAR of Yunnan University in early 2020. His main research interest is 21cm cosmology. Past year he published two first-authored research articles in Physical Review D (PRD), and joined the international mega project – Square Kilometre Array (SKA) with financial support from the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, serving as chair of the cosmic reionization epoch group of Japan and a member of a similar group in China. He is actively involved in the research and teaching activities of SWIFAR, in charge of the prestigious weekly institute colloquia. In spare time, he is eagerly learning Chinese.



