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A delegation led by Xiaowei Liu visited Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute


访问期间,KMTNet项目总负责人Chung-uk Lee博士详细介绍了KMTNet三台1.6米大视场望远镜、数据处理、微引力透镜监测巡天及相关科学研究。Mephisto项目组陈丙秋、黄样以及刘德子博士分别介绍了云南大学建设中的1.6米多通道测光巡天望远镜(Mephisto)及其巡天计划和科学目标、数据处理以及时域天文。KMTNet项目顾问俄亥俄州立大学荣誉教授Andrew Gould对Mephisto的研制及其核心科学目标的遴选与开展提出了意见和建议。双方还就未来Mephisto与KMTNet两个项目的合作达成了初步共识。为便于Mephisto项目组尽早开展数据分析研究工作,开发相关数据处理及定标软件,KMTNet项目组特将其智利望远镜2018年观测季获取的一个观测天区的原始数据无偿提供给了Mephisto项目组。

韩国天文和空间科学研究所(KASI)是韩国政府设立的研究天文和空间科学的国家研究所,总部位于大田市大德科技园区。韩国微引力透镜望远镜网络项目(KMTNet)是KASI主持建设的三台分别位于智利、南非和澳大利亚的1.6米大视场(4个平方度)望远镜(每台望远镜配备4片9216×9232 10μm像素CCD拼接相机),旨在通过24小时不间断的测光监测方式,利用微引力透镜方法发现银河系核球方向的系外行星。该项目于2015年完成建设,已稳定运行4年。云南大学“双一流”重点建设项目1.6米多通道测光巡天望远镜(Mephisto)无论是望远镜口径、视场大小和相机设计与KMTNet项目十分相似(KMTNet是一台望远镜配备一台相机,而Mephisto是一台望远镜配备三台相机,实现了多波段同时测光),因此KMTNet对Mephisto项目有很强的借鉴作用。

A delegation led by Prof. Xiaowei Liu, Director of South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research (SWIFAR) visited Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) from October 29 to November 1, 2019, at the invitation of Dr. Chung-uk Lee, Principle Investigator (PI) of the Korea Microlensing Telescopes Network (KMTNet) project.

During the visit, Dr. Lee introduced to the delegation the technical design and construction of the three 1.6m KMTNet telescopes, the conduction of the KMTNet microlensing events monitoring survey, the data processing and follow-up scientific studies. The Mephisto team introduced the scientific motivations, technical and survey designs and current status of construction, data processing and calibration strategy, and the time sciences and data processing of the Mephisto project. Professor Emeritus of the Ohio state University Andrew Gould, also the advisor of the KMTNet project, provided many invaluable suggestions and comments of the Mephisto project, both on the technical as well as on the scientific side. The KMTNet team kindly provides the Mephisto team their data of one field accumulated with the Chilean CTIO telescope during the 2018 observational season, thus allowing the Mephisto team to develop their own data processing pipeline well before the Mephisto hardware is ready.

The Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) is South Korea’s national research institute of astronomy and space science, funded by the South Korean government. Its headquarter is located in the Daedeok Science Town of Daejeon. In 2015, KASI completed the construction of a network of wide-field photometric surveys, the Korea Microlensing Telescopes Network (KMTNet), consisting of three 1.6m wide-field telescopes installed separately at three sites in the southern hemisphere (Chile, South Africa, and Australia). Each of telescopes is equipped with a mosaic CCD camera of 18k by 18k pixels covering a 2.0 by 2.0 square degree field of view. The three telescopes in three different time zones allow 24-h uninterrupted monitoring of the night sky in the southern hemisphere. The primary scientific goal of the KMTNet project is to discover extrasolar planets toward the Galactic bulge, especially Earth-mass planets in the habitable zone by the gravitational microlensing method. The Mephisto project shares many similarities with the KMTNet, in telescope aperture, field of view as well as cameras, except that the three cameras of KMTNet are installed on three telescopes, whereas the three cameras of Mephisto are installed on a single telescope, thus enabling simultaneously imaging in three bands. Nevertheless, the KMTNet data should be very useful to the Mephisto team for their data processing pipeline development.



