Prof. Xiaohui Fan from University of Arizona visited SWIFAR

Xiaohui Fan,a Regents’ Professor from The University of Arizona visited SWIFAR on Oct. 16, 2019, and presented a colloquium on “Extreme Quasars During the Cosmic Dawn”.
Prof. Fan’s research is in observational astronomy. He has made fundamental contributions to understand quasar physics and the cosmic reionization process. In the colloquium, he discussed their recent studies on detecting high-redshift quasars at cosmic dawn and the constraints on reionization of the universe. He presented the first high-redshift lensed quasar system with the quasar at redshift above 5. Future prospect of the field was also discussed. His presentation intrigued extensive and stimulating discussions among the faculty members and students.
Brief introduction to Xiaohui Fan:
Prof. Xiaohui Fan graduated from Nanjing University and obtained his master degree from Beijing Astronomical Observatory, the predecessor of National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his Ph.D. from Princeton University in 2000. He joined University of Arizona as a faculty member in 2002 and is now a Regents’ Professor there.