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Review meeting on Astronomy discipline of Yunnan University held



On September 27, 2019, a mid-term review meeting on the development of world-class astronomy discipline of Yunnan University was held in the Astronomy building. Thirteen experts from National Astronomical Observatories, Purple Mountain Observatory, Yunnan Observatories and Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics and Technology (NIAOT) of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University, Nanjing University, University of Science and Technology of China, Xiamen University, Guangxi University and Shanghai Normal University participated the meeting, as well as people from a number of University administration departments.

Professor Li Zhang, Vice President of Yunnan University, gave a welcome speech, expressed deep gratitude for the long lasting support from everyone and invited suggestions from the reviewers to help improve the astronomy development at Yunnan University. Prof. Xiaowei Liu, Director of South-Western Institute for Astronomy Research, presented a detailed report to the review committee about the overall plan and the development status of the astronomy discipline at Yunnan University. After detailed inquiries and discussions, the committee formed a final review report. The reviewers unanimously showed their strong supports to the development plan, and were all impressed by the fast academic improvements and platform constructions of astronomy at Yunnan University.



