The National Key Basic Research Program of China 2014CB845700 led by Prof. Xiaowei Liu was rated as excellent
近日,科技部发布了《科技部关于发布国家重点基础研究发展计划(含重大科学研究计划)2018年结题项目验收结果的通知》。《通知》指出,按照《国家重点基础研究发展计划管理办法》和《国家重点基础研究发展计划专项经费管理办法》有关规定,科技部组织完成了国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)2013年立项的3个项目、2014年立项的167个项目的结题验收, 51个项目验收结果为优秀。其中新利18体育新刘晓为教授担任首席科学家的国家重点基础研究计划(973计划)项目“基于LAMOST大科学装置的银河系研究及多波段天体证认”(No. 2014CB845700)验收结果为优秀。

Recently, the Ministry of Science and Technology of People’s Republic of China have published the results of the final evaluation of the National Key Basic Research Programs of China (973 projects) in 2018. 170 projects were completed and 51 of them were scored as excellent. Among them, the project "Galactic studies and multi-waveband object identification with the LAMOST" (No. 2014CB845700), led by Prof. Xiaowei Liu of SWIFAR, Yunnan University, is rated as excellent.
The program led by Prof. Xiaowei Liu was carried out from January, 2014 to August, 2018, based on the well-designed LAMOST Galactic Spectroscopic Surveys and aiming to yield a unique dataset to study the stellar populations, chemical composition, kinematics and structure of the Milky Way, and to search for rare objects, and ultimately advancing our understanding of the formation and evolution of the Milky Way galaxy.