Students from EPFL visited SWIFAR
2019年9月10日,瑞士联邦理工学院(洛桑)物理研究所Jean-Philippe ANSERMET教授携学生一行26人访问了新利18体育新,并与研究所的学生座谈。研究所所长刘晓为教授、范祖辉教授参加了座谈会。

On September 10, 2019, a group of 25 undergraduate students in physics from EPFL, Switzerland, led by Prof. Jean-Philippe ANSERMET, visited SWIFAR. Profs. Xiaowei Liu and Zuhui Fan attended the event. Prof. Liu gave an introduction about SWIFAR and the astronomy research and education at YNU. The visitors asked many questions enthusiastically, and had exciting interaction with our students.