Chinese Space Station Optical Survey Telescope
Cosmology working group meeting held at SWIFAR

On August 12-14, 2019, Chinese Space Station Optical Survey Telescope (CSST) Cosmology working group meeting was held at SWIFAR, Yunnan University. Over 20 scientists from National Astronomical Observatories, Purple Mountain Observatory and Shanghai Astronomical Observatory of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Sun Yat-sen University and Yunnan University attended the meeting.
The CSST is scheduled for launch in 2024. As a stage IV space-borne survey facility, it aims to probe the Universe with unprecedented precisions. Its unique high angular resolution and multi-band design make it powerful complementarities to other stage IV surveys, such as Euclid and LSST. Participants discussed in depth the latest work progress, the working road map, data requirements, and other issues. This meeting was helpful to further push forward the science preparation of CSST.