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The research group led by Prof. Xiaowei Liu attended the international workshop on “Galactic archaeology in the Gaia era”

1月26日至2月1日,中国西南天文研究所刘晓为教授研究团组一行4人参加了在意大利塞斯托天体物理中心举办的国际研讨会 “盖亚时代的星系考古学”。该研讨会由国际知名天文学家意大利里雅斯特大学Francesca Matteucci教授组织召开。

研讨会上刘晓为教授作了“Multi-channel Photometric Survey Telescope (Mephisto)”口头报告,引起了大家对该项目的热烈讨论与广泛关注,推动了该项目的国际合作。此外,黄样副教授作了“The LAMOST Galactic spectroscopic surveys”口头报告,详细介绍了课题组利用我国自主研发的大科学装置LAMOST开展的银河系光谱巡天及取得的科学成果,李广兴副教授以 “How Gaia helps us understand star formation”为题作了口头报告,博士生张萌作了“A catalogue of Hα emission point sources in the vicinity fields of M31/M33 from the LAMOST surveys”口头报告。研讨会上,课题组成员与参会学者进行了广泛交流与讨论,对提升新利18体育新的国际影响力、推动Mephisto和LAMOST项目的合作起到了积极的作用。

A group led by Prof. Xiaowei Liu attended the international workshop “Galactic archaeology in the Gaia era”, held on January 26 – Febauray 1, 2019 at Sexten Center for Astrophysics, Sesto, Italy, organized by seasoned scientist Prof. Francesca Matteucci from Università di Trieste.

During the conference, Prof. Xiaowei Liu introduced theMulti-channel Photometric Survey Telescope (Mephisto)projectcurrentlyunder development at SWIFAR. The talk stimulated discussions amongst participants of different research backgrounds and potential collaborations. In a talk entitled "The LAMOST Galactic spectroscopic surveys", Associate Prof. Yang Huang presented a comprehensive review of the LAMOST Galactic surveys and scientific results. Associate Prof. Guang-Xing Li presented a talk "How Gaia helps usunderstand star formation" and PhD student Meng Zhang presented "A catalogue of Hα emission point sources in the vicinity fields of M31/M33 from the LAMOST surveys". During the conference, the SWIFAR scientists held intensive discussions with the other participants. The discussions and exchanges helped raise the profile of SWIFAR and stimulate potential future collaborations on the Mephisto and LAMOST projects.



