NSFC Key Program Startup Meeting and Workshop on “Formation and evolution of the Milky Way galaxy” heldatYunnan University

On January 22, 2019, the NSFC Key Program “Formation and evolution of the Milky Way galaxy: Fine structures and chemodynamical properties based on the LAMOST and Gaia surveys” Startup Meeting and Workshop were held at Yunnan University. Participants of the project and experts and students from National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC), Beijing Normal University, Hebei Normal University, Xiamen University, Yunnan Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Yunnan University took part in the meeting.
Guoxuan Dong, Deputy Director of the Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China, made an opening speech. He put forward specific requirements for the project implementation, and wished that project members could be able to make original and influential scientific achievements under the support of this Key Program. Prof. Xiaowei Liu, PI of the Key Program, then clearly defined the scientific objectives and tasks of the Key Program, with the evaluation opinions analyzed in detail. Subsequently, project members and other experts reported their research progress and future plan. The workshop ended with a discussion session chaired by Prof. Xiaowei Liu. Participants fully exchanged their ideas about various related scientific issues, which laid a solid foundation for the future development of the Key Program.