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2018 Sino-French Observational Astronomy Summer School was held successfully at Yunnan University

2018年中法“实测天文学”暑期学校(Observational Astronomy Summer School 2018)于10月21日-11月1日在云南大学呈贡校区成功举行。该暑期学校由云南大学中国科学院国家天文台、中国科学院云南天文台及中法天文联合实验室联合举办。来自云南大学、广西大学、广州大学、云南师范大学、云南民族大学、西华师范大学、北京大学、中科院国家天文台、上海天文台和云南天文台,以及巴黎天体物理研究所的41名学员参加了暑期学校。

开幕式上,新利18体育新所长刘晓为教授和法国巴黎天体物理研究所原所长Michel Dennefeld教授分别代表中法双方致欢迎辞。双方表示将通过此次暑期学校进一步加强中法两国在实测天文学领域的合作,促进对青年实测人才的培养,为迎接未来国内外大型观测项目做准备。

暑期学校期间,刘晓为教授、Michel Dennefeld教授、戴本忠教授、钱声帮研究员、苑海波副教授等学者,系统介绍了实测天文学的相关知识,Pierre Guillard、Hakim Atek、李广兴、刘德子、黄样等博士作了天文学科普报告。学员们到云南天文台丽江天文观测站,进行了三天的实地观测和数据处理。


2018 Sino-French Observational Astronomy Summer School was held successfully from October 21st to November 1st,2018 at Chenggong Campus of Yunnan University. The Summer School was organized and sponsored by Yunnan University, National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Yunnan Observatories, CAS, and the Sino-French LIA. Forty-one students from Chinese and French universities and institutes attended the summer school.

In the opening session, Professor Xiaowei Liu, the director of SWIFAR, and Professor Michel Dennefeld, the former director of IAP, presented welcome speeches, and emphasized the importance to train the generation of young astronomers for the coming large surveys.

During the summer school, senior scientists from China and France, including Profs. Xiaowei Liu, Michel Dennefeld, Benzhong Dai, Shengbang Qian et al., lectured in the class. In addition, eight young astronomers with good observational experiences led the students to carry out observations and data analyses at Lijiang Astronomical Observatory, Yunnan Observatories, CAS, from October 25th to 27th.

Through course studies, hand-on observations and data analyses, group discussions and final presentations, the students received a comprehensive training in observational astronomy.



