2018 Sino-French "LIA-ORIGINS" Workshop was held at Yunnan University
2018年11月1日至5日,“中法’起源’天文联合实验室(简称联合实验室)2018年专题研讨会” (The Sino-French Workshop “LIA-ORIGINS” in 2018) 在云南大学呈贡校区召开。本次会议由云南大学、中科院国家天文台和云南天文台共同举办。会议科学主席由刘晓为教授(新利18体育新)和陶嘉琳教授(法国国家科研中心马赛粒子物理研究所)共同担任。来自中、法两国共80余位专家参加了本次会议。
中国天文学会理事长、上海交通大学景益鹏院士,法国驻成都总领馆科技专员Sylvie Tourpin,云南大学国际交流处副处长吴芸,联合实验室法方主任Francois Hammer教授,联合实验室中方成员、国家天文台国际合作处处长梁艳春等致欢迎词。
会议讨论环节由巴黎天文台Francois Hammer 教授和国家天文台武向平院士共同主持,与会专家积极发言,向给予联合实验室支持的法国国家科研中心(CNRS)、中国科学院及相关单位表示感谢,对中法天文合作十年来取得的成绩表示欣慰,并充分肯定了联合实验室在促进中法学者合作交流、加强青年人才培养、促进中法开展实质性项目合作等方面所起到的重要作用,并深入讨论了未来中法天文合作的开展模式和发展计划。

From November 1st to 5th, the 2018 Sino-French “LIA-ORIGINS” Workshop was held at Yunnan University. The workshop was organized and sponsored by Yunnan University (YNU), National Astronomical Observatories (NAOC), and Yunnan Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, with the Scientific Organizing Committee being chaired by Professor Xiaowei Liu of YNU, China and Professor Charling Tao of CPPM, France. Over 80 colleagues from different institutes in France and in China participated the workshop.
Prof. Yipeng Jing, the President of Chinese Astronomical Society and Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences from Shanghai JiaoTong University, Dr. Sylvie Tourpin, Consulate of Academic and Scientific Cooperation from French Consulate General in Chengdu, Yun Wu, Deputy Director of the International Affair Office, YNU, Prof. Francois Hammer, Co-director of the “LIA ORIGINS” from French side, and Dr. Yanchun Liang, Director of International Affair Office, NAOC, gave opening speeches.
Entitled “From First Epochs of Matter and Galaxy Formation to Extraterrestrial Life”, this workshop gathered together scientists, mainly from China and France, to present recent developments in different research areas, from the very early Universe to present Milky Way, and from cosmic structures to extrasolar planets. Opportunities and challenges from future large surveys and instruments were also discussed. A number of Sino-French collaboration teams directly associated with “LIA-ORIGINS” reported their scientific achievements.
The workshop ended with a discussion session chaired by Prof. Francois Hammer from Observatoire de Paris and Prof. Xiangping Wu, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, from NAOC. Participants fully acknowledged the efforts of “LIA ORIGINS” for the past ten years to build in-depth collaborations between China and France, and looked forward to new bilateral collaborations in the future.
This workshop was the last one under the current “LIA ORIGINS”. The great success of the workshop not only marked its ten-year’s anniversary, but also opened a new chapter for future Sino-French collaborations in astronomy and beyond.