2018 Sino-French Observational Astronomy Summer School will be held at Yunnan University in October 2018
这是第二届中法“实测天文学”暑期学校,第一届于2011年在北京大学成功举行,受到学生的广泛好评。此次暑期学校延续第一届的形式,旨在促进对青年实测人才的培养,为迎接未来国内外大型观测项目做准备。届时将有来自中、法两国近10名知名学者,包括巴黎天体物理研究所原所长Michel Dennefeld博士,为学员们系统地讲授实测天体物理的专业知识。同时还有近10名富有丰富观测经验的年轻天文学者亲自带领学员开展观测实践及数据处理。通过课堂授课、观测实践、数据处理、交流讨论、结果展示等全方位的学习,学员们将得到全面的训练和提升。

2018 Sino-French Observational Astronomy Summer School will be held from October 21st to November 1st , 2018 at Chenggong Campus of Yunnan University. The School is organized and sponsored by Yunnan University, National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Yunnan Observatories, CAS, and the Sino-French LIA.
This is the second summer school under Sino-LIA. The first one was held in 2011 at Peking University, which was well received. We will continue this time with the similar format as that of the first one. The school aims to contribute to the training of the young generation of astronomers to prepare them for the coming large surveys. There will be about ten seasoned scientists from China and France, including Dr. Michel Dennefeld, the former director of IAP, coming to give course lectures about observational astronomy. In addition, we will also have hand-on sessions led by about ten young astronomers with good observational experiences. Through course leaning, hand-on observations and data analyses, group discussions and final presentations, the students will be able to receive a comprehensive training of being astronomers for research.
The registration is now closed. We have selected 41 students from over 50 applicants and the final list and the program are in the attachments.
附件 Attachments: