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Prof. Yipeng Jing, Academician of CAS, visited SWIFAR







At the invitation of SWIFAR, Prof. Yipeng Jing, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the director of School of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, visited our institute on May 17th, 2018.

Prof. Jing had an in depth discussion with Prof. Xiaowei Liu, and provided insightful suggestions about the future development of SWIFAR, and the ongoing Mephisto project.

In the afternoon, Prof. Jing gave a colloquium on "Next generation of galaxy spectroscopic surveys". He reviewed the development of the field, and how such surveys revolutionized our understandings about the Universe and galaxies therein. The spectroscopic oberservations of galaxies can provide not only their redshift information but also, more importantly, the knowledge of their physical properties. With the next generation of spectroscopic surveys, such as PFS and DESI, the constraints on cosmological parameters and on the galaxy evolution can be dramatically improved. About 50 faculty members and students from SWIFAR and Department of Astronomy participated in the colloquium, and had active discussions with Prof. Jing.

Personal Information:

Yipeng Jing obtained his Ph.D. degree from USTC and SISSA, Italy in 1992. From 1993 to 2000, he worked as a research scholar at University of Arizona, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics at Garching, Germany, and Tokyo University, respectively. Prof. Jing joined Shanghai Astronomical Observatory in 1998, and moved to Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2012. He is the founding director of the Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and is now the director of the School of Physics and Astronomy there. He has received numerous awards for his excellence in research. He was elected as the Academician of CAS in 2015.



