Prof. Shuangnan Zhang from IHEP visited SWIFAR

Invited by SWIFAR, Prof. Shuangnan Zhang, the chief scientist of the Insight-HXMT, visited SWIFAR on May 3rd, 2018.
Prof. Shuangnan Zhang gave a colloquium on “Introduction to Insight-HXMT: Chinese first X-ray Astronomy Satellites” at SWIFAR in the afternoon. Being the first X-ray Astronomy Satellite, Insight-HXMT was successfully launched on June 15th, 2017. Within less than a year, it has scanned the Galactic disk for multiple times, and discovered and monitored many high-energy astrophysical objects, including Neutron Stars, Black Holes and Gamma-ray Bursts. Insight-HXMT has also contributed important data set for constraining the physical properties of GW170817, the famous gravitational wave event from a binary neutron-star merger.
In the evening, Prof. Shuangnan Zhang gave a public lecture in the auditorium of the Information Institute. The title is “Centennial physics, Gravitational Wave and Insight-HXMT”. In the lecture, he reviewed the history of the development of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, the two foundations of modern physics. He discussed the recent breakthrough of the gravitational wave detections, which not only provides the last piece of puzzle to the theory of General Relativity, but also opens a new window for probing the nature of the cosmos. The detection of the electromagnetic counterpart of GW170817 marks the beginning of the multi-messenger era. Insight-HXMT has played an important role in this milestone event, demonstrating its powerfulness in future studies. More than 200 faculty membersand students participated in this intriguing lecture.
Personal Information:
Shuangnan Zhang obtained his bachelor degree from Tsinghua University (Beijing, China) in 1984 and PhD degree from Southampton University in UK in 1989. He spent three years as a postdoc at University of Pennsylvania. He joined the BATSE/CGRO team in 1992.From 1998 to 2002, he was a faculty member of University of Alabama at Huntsville.In 2002 he moved back to China as a distinguished professor in Tsinghua University.Since 2009,he has become the director of the Division for and the Key Laboratory of Particle Astrophysics in IHEP, CAS. He is the PI of POLAR, Insight-HXMT and a few future large space missions (e.g. eXTP and HERD), and the Chinese Co-PI of SVOM.