Nami Mowlavi博士访问中国西南天文研究所并作学术报告
Dr. Nami Mowlavi visited SWIFAR
2017年11月12日,应中国西南天文研究所所长刘晓为教授的邀请,日内瓦大学Nami Mowlavi博士访问中国西南天文研究所并作“Large-scale surveys in the 21st century: the Gaia mission”学术报告。中国西南天文研究所所长刘晓为教授主持了此次报告会。会后,大家就今后可能的合作进行了深入的讨论。

图:Nami Mowlavi博士做学术报告。Colloquium given by Nami Mowlavi.
Nami Mowlavi博士简介:
Nami Mowlavi是ESA的Gaia项目光变处理小组的副组长,是周期变星、暂现源以及恒星演化等方面的专家。

On Nov. 12, 2017, invited by Prof. Xiaowei Liu, the director of South-western Institute for Astronomy Research, Dr.Nami Mowlavi, fromUniversity of Geneva, came to visit us and gave a colloquium titled as 'Large-scale surveys in the 21st century: the Gaia mission'. Prof. Xiaowei Liu hosted the colloquium.
Dr. Nami Mowlavi is the deputy manager of Variability Processing Group of ESA's Gaia mission. He is an expert in periodic variable stars, transient phenomena and stellar evolution.
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