Discovery of two more runaway stars from the LAMOST Spectroscopic Surveys
银河系中的大多数恒星都像太阳一样以约200 千米每秒的速度绕银河系中心运动。所谓超高速星是指一类速度高到能够脱离银河系引力束缚的恒星,如果寿命允许,它们将最终飞出银河系。20世纪80年代末,美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室天体物理学家杰克·希尔提出,运动到银河系中心超大质量黑洞附近的双星系统有可能被黑洞巨大的潮汐力所瓦解,被瓦解的双星系统的一颗自行被高速抛出,成为超高速星。该预言提出近20年之后,美国哈佛-史密森天体物理中心科学家沃伦·布朗才第一次在银河系中探测到此类恒星。探测超高速星极为困难,迄今为止,天文学家也仅仅在数千亿颗银河系恒星中证认出了20余颗此类恒星,远低于银河系有超过1000颗超高速星的理论预言。
目前该研究成果已被国际专业学术期刊《天体物理学杂志通讯》(The Astrophysical Journal Letters)接受并得到审稿人高度评价。成果在预印本文库发布后(,首颗超高速星的发现者沃伦·布朗教授第一时间发来贺信,称这是“令人兴奋的一对超高速星发现”(“an exciting pair of hypervelocity star discoveries”)!随后,今日宇宙(Universe Today)和世界科技研究新闻资讯网(等媒体分别撰文予以报道。
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A study by the research group led by Prof. Xiaowei Liu (刘晓为) from the South-Western Institute for Astronomy Research (SWIFAR) at Yunnan University reports the discovery of two new unbound hypervelocity stars from the LAMOST spectroscopic surveys. The results were published inThe Astrophysical Journal Letters(Huang et al. 2017,ApJL, 847, 9).
Hypervelocity stars (HVSs) are rare objects of extreme fast velocities allowing them to escape the Milky Way galaxy. One of the most commonly proposed scenarios is that they originate near the Galactic center (GC) by dynamical interactions between (binary) stars and the central massive black hole(s) (MBH). Alternative explanations exist, for examples, they could be the tidal debris of an accreted and disrupted dwarf galaxy, or they could be surviving companion stars of Type Ia supernovae.
In addition to exploring the origin of HVSs, scientists also care about these speedy objects since they are powerful tracers to probe the mass distribution of the Milky Way, given the fact that they travel large distances across the Galaxy.
For these reasons, scientists have been searching for HVSs, both systematically and serendipitously, for many years. However, only about 20 HVSs have been identified hitherto, much less than the number of over 2,000 predicted by the theory. Therefore, it is of vital importance to discover more new HVSs.
Our group has carried out a systematic search for HVSs amongst nearly 6.5 million high-quality stellar spectra of 4.4 unique stars collected up to June 2016 by the LAMOST spectroscopic surveys, and have discovered two new HVSs. They are respectively a B2V type star of about 7 Msun with a Galactic rest-frame radial velocity of 502 km s−1at a Galactocentric radius of about 21 kpc, and a B7V type star of about 4 Msunwith a Galactic rest-frame radial velocity of 408 km s−1at a Galactocentric radius of about 30 kpc. The two stars are very bright and the upcomingGaiadata release should provide proper motion measurements accurate enough to give direct constraints on their origins.
We expect more HVSs will be discovered by the on-going LAMOST spectroscopic surveys, providing further constraints on the nature and ejection mechanisms of HVSs.
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